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Instead of our usual "Would You Rather" ramble, a writer friend has given us the opportunity to go on an adventure! This audio will be a public release.

Want to play along? Let me know what endings you chose for yourself. And if you enjoyed this and want more CYOAs in the future, please let me know :)

Scenario 1 choices: Captured by a Slime 

(1) - weakened powers, underwear.

(2) - strong powers, living bodysuit.

Scenario 2 choices: Lusty Apparition

(Male, Female, Futa)

(1) - One night stand, get Amulet of Betterment.

(2) - Solve mystery, soulmate for life.

Scenario 3 choices: Mirrors of Desires

(1) - Become The Chosen One, describe the tribe.

(2) - Favorite kink in society, how does it affect the world?

(3) - Join government program to fuck monsters, including what preference of monster?

Too shy to comment? I'll close my eyes... Tell Skitty secretly

PS. Thank you to the kind thoughtful messages from my last patreon post. I'm sorry if I worried any of you. I feel very loved, and you're all wonderful people. 💕




Skitty and Teddy Paladin ride again! Off on another adventure! Hrm. Important questions . . . can I take the underwear / bodysuit off? Can I wash it? What I have a hot date? I guess I'd go with option 2. Super powers could be fun and highly useful in my line of work. I'm boringly straight. Sooooo, I'm going lady. I . . . have to go one nightstand. Part of my soulmate's long happy life would include having children. Can't have kids with a ghost. Can I solve the mystery for them anyway? (You had it right the first time. :P gran·dee·AH·suh·tee.) Can I have 'Ander' as a kink? By law everyone in the world, all the women want to be with me, all the men want to be me and be my friend? *giggle* Love ya' Skits! I'm glad you are feeling better. This was fun. Sort of a like a lewd version of those would you rather? rambles.

Xavius Night

Hmm... Bodysuit - definitely the bodysuit. Hopefully, the 'superpowers' are essentially shapeshifting, cuz that's my dream superpower. Futa ghost - Soulmate please And for the last one... uhhh... how many can I take again?


I assumed the slime would have some of kind symbiotic / parasitic relationship with us. Option 2, huh? Brave man. Ander as a kink? Hm... I hope the ladies are okay with sharing.


You wanna mash all three worlds together? ...like a world with only monster girls and they all share your particular kink. Hmm, interesting :3


Scenario 1 - Underwear I guess? If it was a slime girl I might have gone for the full bodysuit fuckery but if I'm just getting milked by a normal slime I don't think the extra powers make up for the exhaustion haha Scenario 2 - I mean the murder mystery sounds awesome just by itself! Plus I end up getting a sexy ghost girlfriend/soulmate in the process? Win-win if I've ever seen it. Scenario 3 - Kinda feel like option 3 is just the best overall: monsters are not only real but you get to volunteer to bang monstergirls. Sounds like one hell of a wild ride and would definitely make the world a lot more interesting. That was fun! Kinda picked the same things you did but oh well :D


As fun as super powers would be I think there are still too many questions I have about option two. I don't want to be a blabbering mess lol. I will choose the underwear with limited powers. This one was tougher to decide between, I think the same thing crossed my mind before you mentioned it about a lifelong futa partner, but I feel that decision is little different for me because I am straight lol. But I do have futa-fantasies. At first I was like, woman partner? or one-night-stand with a futa? I think in the end I would choose both, the futa and the life-long partner after the murder mystery. The remote tribe sounds fun but I'm more interested by the other two. My first thought on the normalized-kink world was would the kink lose some of it's allure or seem mundane if it became common. Can't say I have any interesting kinks, I'm also indecisive, so maybe lingerie, that would be cool. BUT I would choose the monster world please. Makes me think of Interspecies Reviewers >.< This was fun, props to your writer friend. Glad you are feeling better Skitty!


But you'll be a content cute blabbering mess :3 Good point about kinks losing the allure. I was also thinking, maybe the world would change with your tastes.


THis is so much fun! Hmm - as tempted as I would be to take the bodysuit and be some kind of orgasm-powered superhero (think of it! Save the world by night and live in orgasmic bliss during the day! I'm....sure...sleeping and eating and whatnot would work its way into the schedule....right?) I'll take the underwear. Maybe I can negotiate with it - it seems sentient, I can give it more for a little more strength if the time comes, you know? That'd be rad. Then for scenario two yeah, I'm going to have to go with the soulmate option. I mean, I'm bi and all but I lean straight, so I'd like one sexy Sadako from The Ring please. :D For scenario three, as much as I would LOVE my kink (WHICH SHALL REMAIN UNNAMED) to be standard, I agree that some of the fun of it is that it's not ubiquitous, you know? So instead let's do fantasy and go full on monsters. I mean, I'm not ~ totally ~ into monster girls, but variety IS the spice of life after all, and I've certainly seen supernatural stories I'd love to make sexy, so why not? :D This was *definitely* fun! Praise for the writer, and like everyone else, glad you're feeling better!


Gimme the living body suit, lewd venom shit there. Honestly I'll be selfish and take the one night stand for the body reforming amulet. Now what if your kink is shapeshifting. Would that be considered cheating? To just say everyone is a sexy shapeshifter now? If that was a limitation I'd go monster girls and I have a preference for spiders, slimes, plants, and snakes


Scenario 1 option 2 who doesn't want to be fucked silly xD Scenario 2 murder mystery! We need to help them! Scenario 3 monters...sounds interesting...slime is already in scenario 1...maybe a dullahan or a harpy?


Underwear! - Either way, I would use my super powers to flex on them ladies and I think being fucked silly would take the fun from that. ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)ᕤ Lady! I feel the dude and futa would flex on me with their proud cocks instead. Nooo! :D And the murdered mistery is just so romantic~ ... And you can take it as a really long foreplay. ... Picks the old lady. I will cure her from the boredom! *Wink, wink.* Super secret option! What do I get for that? ... I'm just trying to differ. :3 Otherwise yeee, I would choose knots and tentacles world. It was fun CYOA! I'm thanking the writers and you for reading it.


Scenario 1 I would probably choose the weaker one because I don’t think I would need the powers to often Scenario 2 being a straight man I will choose female. Option 2 solving her murder would be the best but to also to make a soulmate and to be happy with her for the rest of my life is sweet <3 (: Scenario 3 option 1 sounds fun but not being able to sleep or time to myself would probably kill me. option 2 my kinks just be Intimacy sex and creampie But definitely option 3! Thinking about meeting succubus or vampire skitty sounds amazing! (: This was a fun experience! Thank you skitty!


Scenario 1 I gotta say the super powers are tempting but option 1 is vastly more practical in our current world. Option 2 kinda forces you out of reasoning powers, so I agree, slime underwear. Scenario 2 I can hear the smile in your voice as you read that Futa section Skitty! I 100% choose the lady. Solving the murder would be hard... but that amulet... but her becoming a soulmate... Ohhh... I mean the effort that would go into the mystery but you get a soulmate for life. Yeah I'd solve it... lifemate is worth the effort, even if the power of perfect bod and mind is suuuuper tempting. Scenario 3 CHOICE 3 GIVE ME CATGIRLSANDMONEYNOWYESPLZTHANKYOU. Option 1 is kinda hell for anyone, men get oversensitive after orgasm too Skitty! Option 2 is pretty interesting but catgirls yes pleeeease! Also maybe Succubi and other monster girls... as long as I can take the bracelet off sometimes Option 3 is the clear choice, get paid to get banged, 100% win for mankind. This was fun Skitty, think I might share it with a friend even :D


Orgasm-powered superhero! lol, you'd have quite the backstory. The slime monster/girl would be our sidekick! Unnamed kink. Hmmm. :)


Happiness guaranteed is very wholesome. I'll take that <3 Armas, have you ever considered writing a script? I think you'd be quite good at it. And it doesn't even have to be in English. I see people asking for non-English scripts on Backstage every once in and while, and it'd be really cool to see :D


With all that foreplay, the sex will be amazing! :D THE OLD LADY IS ME!!! Maybe. lol. That was not an option I had considered. Noice. I love that you always think outside of the box. Special prize for you.


Getting paid to fuck catgirls? It'd be crazy to turn it down! :D Who needs the amulet, or to look hot, when your soulmate will love you regardless of looks or smarts <3


Scenario 1: (1) - weakened powers, underwear, not sure I would want to completely lose control to the slime. Scenario 2: female and (2 )-Solve mystery, soulmate for life. Amulet is tempting, but I would feel to bad not to help the ghost, and hey who needs an amulet when you have a happy ghost wife. Scenario 3: Join government program to fuck monsters, including what preference of monster? Not into harems, and having everyone be into femdom and openly encouraging it may cause other problems, being paid to fuck monsters sounds great, and being pegged by tentacles might be fun.


1) Underwear. 2) I abstain from voting. Can you make babies with the apparition? I want to make a family. Otherwise, I might go with getting the amulet, sorry to disappoint... The apparition needs to be female for me though. However, I think that there aren't many non-trolly futa RPs, so people who are into that are probably ASMR deprived. :P So for their sake, I'll abstain from voting. This is *not* a vote for futa. 3) I want foxgirls! Catgirls! Doggirls! Wolfgirls! Gimmie those fluffy tails and ears! Hell, I can go for some lamias and harpies too! Though being paid by the government to fuck around isn't actually all that appealing to me. I'd rather find one to marry and raise a family with. Wait, will the second option just change societal perception or will it change the world to fit my kink? Because then I can just pick that one and all women will have fluffy tails and ears. This is a conditional vote for 2, with 3 as the alternative. Are you going to be making these audios or will the writer get someone else to record if 'male' wins the second scenario? How would the writer make the stories with personal preferences. like the tribe were everyone was your preferred gender? And everyone has different kinks, so the story either needs to pick one or be non-specific.


This is more of a ramble. The writer and I don't have spin-off audios planned for this CYOA. But there's always going to be more monster girls audio in the future :)

NekoWinters .

OwO I need to get to bed asap for spoopy goodness in my blanket fort!!! ~tries to cast spells from my NekoNomicon so it will be night time and your vocal magic won't knock me out~ #1 Bodysuit as long as long as I get action at my tail end too and warm fuzzy snugs after... plus I could be extra protected from getting hurt =^,^= For number 2 I vote Futa Demon Skitty and if its a one night stand can we be friends after and get Kitty ears and a tail?!? I guess I would solve the mystery and get to have lots of snuggle struggles!!! X3.....that's a super hard choice D: .... if I do the amulet with lots of sexytime can I try to find the Demon Skitty a soul mate and give them the tape later!?!? Let's see for number 3 I choose.... (to catch you a fish cause that pout was TOOO CUTE) jk jk Hmmm Collars and tags are nomalized?!?! =^,^= what about headpats? =>,>= WAIT A MOMENT WHAT IF DEMON SKITTY IS ONE OF THE MONSTERS!!!! I'll take some hellapawn Momma Skitty booty abuse and extra lewd snugs and headpats!! X3_ ❤ This was fun :3 thank you for always spoiling us Skitty!!


I love reading your train of thoughts ❤ We can just mishmash these scenarios together!

NekoWinters .

I'm sorry of it was all over the place, I was a very sleepy kitty all bundled up in bed and fighting to stay awake cause even your nonscripted audios help me relax .....and I may have listened to a more adult one before and it practically caused me to pass out for a few minutes =>///<=.... so I was extra primed for sleep but I was so excited that I typed as I listened to this x3


Scenario 1: option 1, underwear. No one says that I can't change my mind later, so let's just start out slow :) Scenario 2: Probably Futa. The Female sounds good for me, since I am a heterosexual man. However, I have a huge pegging fetish, so taking the best of both worlds would be the best. btw, This scenario reminds me of Sadako, from the ' Ringu' Movie. For the 1 or 2, I'll go with the soulmate and murder mystery option, because I am a bit lonely sometimes and I' m up for an adventure :b Scenario 3: No way any other option but option 3 is gonna be okay. I happen to also have a thing for monsters, so this is perfect! It sounds like a life worth living ;)