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Help me beta this before I release it? A rare improv from Skitty.
It was my full intention to record a nice vanilla record yesterday. Maybe a sweet friends-to lover-kinda story. But I failed. Failed miserably.  
I stumbled upon a prompt for a yandere girl... the darker the better. But you know me... I can only go so dark. 
No age or relationship is mentioned in this audio, so I can be whoever you want to be. Perhaps you're the unlucky stranger I met at the bar. Or maybe I'm your little sis or daughter. Have at it~

"I'm just gonna grind my wet little pussy on your cock until you talk. 
Mmm I love your cock. His mine! You're mine!
God he's such a good boy. The very best. I love him. I love him! Mine mine mine! DON'T EVER LET ANY OTHER GIRL TOUCH IT!"

I LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!! Forever... >:(

...but uh...if you know of a sweet vanilla script, preferably unfilled, let me know <3






&gt; [I've lost it] As in the character in the file or... ? :P


Nice one dude! Right on my birthday ^^


Only complaint is that it didn't go longer!


Yandere Skitty 😍 amazing improv


Those tags. And that performance. Honestly, just wow! That was incredible, thank you. Even a couple of Skitty kisses, as if it wasn’t already perfect.


If this is you off the cuff on a script, no wonder your prepared scripts are amazing!


Well, this is really far from vanilla, lol. But I'm sure you've really enjoyed playing this, aren't ya, hehe. No wonders why actors usually like more the bad evil roles over the good ones. They are so fun to play but also difficult. And you did really well here! Even though I was grinning throughout the audio. :D Especially after the slap... I don't know why I don't want to be slapped... I'm just a lost soul I guess.... But nothing comes to my mind what I would reproach to this. It's good, good. You: I can go only so dark... Also you in the discord chat: I will stab everything alive that will come to my way!


Evil is so much fun! You can't trust the BS this Skitty girl says. lol ;)


*gulp* This is amazing!


I really enjoyed this. It's a good amount of obsession, forcefulness, control and love (?) To be honest, Yandere stuff usually turns me off because people usually like to end it with the death of the viewer, or at least some form of torture. But I really enjoyed this &lt;3


Very hot :0 If I had to suggest anything maybe scratching noises? Still new to Skitty content but I don't think I've listened to anything with scratching noises in it, so I get if ur don't like it in ur audios


Thank you! I'm crazy lite :) I try my best to warn listeners of extreme content with tags. No surprise [snuff] for you 💕


Welcome :) Scritchies and ASMR content is a new thing for me. I focus on Roleplays. So I generally don't do scratching noises, at least in sexy stuff. But maybe I can incorporate it into a future audio. Keep an eye out for audios tagged with [scratches] and the like.


So hot! I love the slap in the beginning! It's a very immersing little trick! Btw, is there going to be a "sequel" since you mentioned in the end that there's a possible "another round"?

Tex the Gentle Giant

Jesus, before I joined patreon, I thought Skitty was wholesome. Lesson learned, I guess.


I love the way you say "everything" and "every".


Was a nice rp skitty, only recently discovered you over on YouTube,the problem I have now is I know you do sexy audios and it's gonna be hard(ha penis pun....) Too hear some of that in your normal vids, not complaining just a observation, keep up the good work!


Haha. Welcome 💕 YouTube is my safe content. I've got plenty of naughty audios if you know where to look ;)


I wasnt sure if to laugh or feel afraid... But none the less it enjoyed the audio! Femdoms are my fav so keep up the great audio. 👌


I want more of this please! Pretty please!!