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Things covered in this 20 minute audio: 

- SkittyKat Discord  

- Massage ramble and story

- Patreon goal reached! <3 Follow me on Twitter for the poll :)

- What I've been doing with my patreon money

- Auditioning for a secret animator and Subverse (the audition demo available in the Cuddle Tier)

- Skitty's ideal date + dating tip

Update: Right after recording this audio, the sound director working with the animator chatted with me. Two hour call @_@... I don't think I've ever been on a call for that long... ever! Anyways, he suggests that I try making some DIY acoustic panels before investing in the $$$ stuff. So I'll look into that. He's also given me some homework, so I'm gonna do some recording tonight and hopefully they'll like what they hear :) 




Thunderstorm, great pain meds, a new SFW skitty youtube snuggle ANNNND a ramble for tonight? You spoil me skitty. Thank you.


Congrats on the animator stuff, it sounds like you're really getting more comfortable with voice acting :D I sure hope this mystery animator likes your stuff.


Discord people are fun #LullabySquad, even though the most things are happening when I'm sleeping, but I don't complain, I much rather enjoy a smaller group of people where it's more chill. In contrast in a bigger group of people quickly typing I tend to lurk. Hope your back is ok already. I haven't had a massage yet, I should definitely get one at some point…. Neck and shoulders massage? Huh. I should probably give you back after the latest scratchies. I was playing the on a loop yesterday for some time and ow my gosh. I just love them! (Still aheagoing but a simple smack is helping.) So get over here! For no echo build a pillow fort around you and your mic. Or just throw a blanket over yourself. There isn't probably anything better and cheaper. Maybe it's a little uncomfortable after a while, and watch the temperature so you won't overheat… and the oxygen level so you won't pass out from all the moaning a groaning, haha... Or what I've seen with my bare eyes was the usage of egg trays as an acoustic foam… and he was a professional! :D And I was just "Wow, that's smart." But it definitely looked poopy and I don't know how much effective it was. But it looked a little bit more professional than just having a blanket over your head with your mic and doing weird sounds, haha. "Using cheaper buds" Wait, like those on the banner? GRADO SR325e?  They don't look cheap at all. :D But I guess you are using those rights now…. Critique your own work is hard. Ey, if you ever want some extra ear to critique, I'm here. Just an offer.  Fear on the first date you are saying? *Throw my date into my super-secret sex dungeon* "Do you love me already?!" But watching the night sky is really great. It's best when you are far away from any big cities and light pollution. That thing that is hanging above our dumb heads is just beautiful. I hope the animations and Subvers will turn out good for you. :)


Sorry for the double post. But now that I have had a chance to listen I wanted to correspond again. Firstly, thank you so much. I listened to your ramble first and then head scratches and fell asleep on command. And slept for almost 6 hours straight. 0.0 I haven't been able to stay asleep for 6 hours at a time.... ever. I needed it though. All that good hand healing energy. Second, I am now curious about the benefits of boob massages. I feel like I've heard women say they get sore while breast feeding? Other than that . . . I know many women enjoy having them massaged by a lover . . . but that's hardly the same as a masseuse going to town . . . right? Third, I find it rather hilarious that Skitty's favorite dates echo the dates I had with the woman I was telling the guys on discord about who I lost contact with. For our firs date Lynn (changed name for safety) and I went to the movies, decided it was boring and wanted to do something more exciting for date two. So date two was when we learned how to skydive together. It was great. lots of feels everywhere. all the adrenaline. dumb monkey brain successfully tricked. My favorite date with her (and of all time) was when we rented a pickup truck on a clear new moon night, filled the back with pillows and blankets, drove off into the middle of nowhere in some farmer's field I think (sorry whomever that was), climbed in the back snuggled while stargazing. I don't even think we had sex that night. Just snuggles and chatting and star gazing. Highly recommend.... but... not a first date option. Also, (three part B I guess), if you get accepted to Harvard and she wants to go to a school on the west coast, fuck it. go to school on the west coast. there are good schools everywhere. my biggest life regret is and likely will always be letting that relationship go to long distance. it doesn't work. you aren't an exception.... amazing partner and happy life &gt; dream school.


Love raw Skitty, clear your throat away :p Your wholesome-ness is rubbing off on some of us :p Potential roles for you? That is amazing, cheering for you from allllll the way over here :D I may have said it on the post with the audio, but your Raven was excellent. I completely agree that movies are a bad choice for first date, unless it's at someone's home....but that takes on a different kind of "danger" factor lol. For myself, I know taking someone to a roller coaster/carnival/something like that, wouldn't work. Those aren't my kinds of things, and to start out dating with me sacrificing my "comfort" wouldn't go well. But I haven't had a first date in.....an embarassingly long time, so I'm trying to be comfortable with just myself. Hey, if it works for you guys, being all your Patrons that will skip over this, then power to you :) I think my best first date was going out for dinner, making embarassing conversation, finding out what shared interests we have, and what interests we don't have in common. We talked, got the good signs of getting her to laugh, score, and we dated for a while :) I haven't gotten a massage yet. I've had friends tell me I should because of my poor sleeping arrangements, but I don't have backpain or discomfort. I know you don't only go for massages for those reasons, but for myself, if I don't have a reason to go, I won't.


The headphones in the banner is from a free stock photo. Not mine. Funny, I would have picked school over love. Then again, I've never had to make the choice.


You try a small massage. I think you'll quite enjoy it. Getting your date to laugh is almost always a good sign :)


I lurk all the time :) I replied to Anders comment about the headphones by accident, no, those aren't mine. Lol. It's not like you date can say no. Oops.


Have joined the Discord but just haven't really got the time atm. Hopefully get there properly eventually. Massages are great, I am a bit ticklish though so some areas are kind of off limits. Unless it's a deep tissue massage, coz they are just brutal, good though. Never had my boobs massaged 😥 feel like I'm missing out. Although, I guess I don't really have any so there's that.


You have pecs. I have boobs. Although...maybe you're still bigger than me. *pats flat chest* lol