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...well, I can only go so deep. Wait...that sounds dirty. :p
Anyways, for those who follow my subreddit, you probably know I've been dealing with a sore throat. Skitty Update: I've got a sore throat
I'm doing better, but not a 100%. Definitely can't do my loli voice. So I thought I might as well have fun with my raspier voice... and decided to do a [mdom] shitpost.
I tackled the latter half of u/MuffledKarma's Sushi script. I couldn't hang on to my deeper voice for too long. There's no gender swaps here. I just read the script as is. So...SKITTY HAS A COCK! Weee~~~ 

[M4F] Happy Lil' Sushi Roll [MDom] [DDlg] [No Age] [Bedtime Routine] [Inspection] [Light Spanking] [Cunnilingus] [Fingering] [Dressing] [Thumb Sucking] [Cowgirl] [Grinding] [Creampie] [Cuddles] [All the Pet Names] [Be the Sushi] [Become the Sushi] 

I have no idea how to tag this though. Is it now [F4F]? Is it [Futa]? 
I'll leave you guys with a preview and I'll probably post to r/GonewildAudible tomorrow.
Upcoming Content:
Hugs tier - "Your Lucky Little Virgin Vampire Girl" by u/Ravishagirl
Handholding tier - July Ramble, I talk about my failed experience buying sex toys
Cuddle tier - more selfies? audios?
Nose kiss and Lips tier - Please DM me what special audio you want this month. So far, I've got a mommy audio planned for one of you.
Previous Content: listed here 



Sure, Skitty, you didn't mean that deep comment to be as dirty as it sounded! *wink, wink*


Don't overwork yourself Skitster! I am sure I speak for all of us when I say that we'd much rater you stay well even if it means a slower content release schedule


Hehe. Good to know you are feeling better. Wish you 100% soon. Go get a strong chicken broth and I'm sure you will feel 125% the next day. Ironic thing? I might got sick, my nose is stuffed like it would be concreted... Haha, great usage of raspy voice from a sore throat. :D Do you have a raspy voice from illness for a tender lady moans? Yeah, Skitty has a great life pro tip for you! Perform a male! Do you think there is a lack of futa scripts? Miss Skitty has a great life pro tip for you. Do an M4F!... I might be too excited about this, it is just different and I'm curious. You will probably make a lot of ladies happy on GWA with this. It will an interesting change for sure, imagining myself as a female. Yay! Cock! Everyone deserves a cock… to have or to get… This might need its own tag. Maybe [F as M4F] ?


Mmmm, your deep voice is hot but take it easy Skitty and LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU!


Don't do any damage to that amazing voice! Hope your feeling better now. The deeper voice is great too! I like all versions of your voice. Funny choice of script too 🤣


I've got you guys to thank for putting odd suggestions into my queue of audios. Lol I'm pretty much all better now :)