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It's May... Mental Health Awareness Month! (along with probably a dozen other observations)

So I have no idea what to ramble about. I started off talking about my new accessories... and then veered off into a ramble about loving your 'fucking life'.

 "Love your fucking life. Take pictures of everything. Tell people you love them. Talk to random strangers. Do things that you're scared to do. Fuck it, because so many of us die and no one remembers a thing we did. Take your life and make it the best story in the world. Don't waste that shit." 

I might do another ramble later this month... gimme ideas to talk about?




Love you too Skitty! <3 Also, not mental health related, (sorry.) but, obligatory happy Star Wars day! I have finals next week and am ready for them so im snuggled into bed and gonna watch all the star wars movies. (well. as many as I can in 24 hours. lol.) May the 4th be with you! Also, I hope you enjoyed your bubbly bubble bath. sounds awfully relaxing. might I suggest a glass of wine and a nice book? I've heard it makes the bubble bath even better.


Wasn't your first posting on FSA or GWA scary for you ? I bet it was and it would be for everyone, even anonymously and you did anyway and I would say it couldn't turned out any better ! And I can imagine it can be still scary with every post after. May for me will be sadly full of studying since important exams are ahead of me. Cute cat-bell collar btw. Hey you there ! *Surprise snap* Here. Now you have your own exclusive picture of yourself so you don't have to be sad. <a href="https://imgur.com/a/PKw9SaW" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/PKw9SaW</a> (It's just dump quick doodle. With that blanket sound in the background I'm just imagining you as a big blanket ball. :D I hope I picked the right shade of pink of you hair, cant see the watermelons post so IDK. Surprisingly I had a good time with it so a add up a bubbly bath.) All the love for everyone~


A little bit ago I took a class on public speaking, and I gave a speech about how the best things in life are on the opposite side of fear. It's nice to hear the same sentiment from someone else! Sorry to hear that big city is kinda lonely for you. I can't give any good advice since what I do is kind of fling myself into social situations and pray for the best, but hey it works sometimes. My May's looking full of exams and stress, ngl I've been having a terrible, terrible few weeks but here's hoping things get better soon. Just last night I had a pleasant time watching Star Trek while drunk as hecc. Perhaps I'll do something spontaneous today, or something very different some other day. Got any ideas?


I remember actually hearing a Will Smith talk about that exact same thing. He's talking about skydiving and how terrible it is up right until you jump out of the plane . . . then it's awesome. 100% inspired me to try sky diving. 100% right. 100% worth it. Well said man.


Good to know. Thanks man! I 100% ran across the same bug early this morning. I was in bed on my phone and had to edit that first response like 10 times cuz of dumb phone typos. I know I'm talkative and all that. . . .but I promise I'm not spam. T.T QQ ::SOBS:: &gt;.&gt; lol.


Yes! I can't believe I forgot. Haha, yes may the fourth be with you. I haven't bathed yet...maybe tomorrow. Ooo good luck on those exams. Remember to get enough sleep the night before so your brain isn't completely fried!


GWA was scarier than FSA. I could always disappear from FSA if I wanted to. But GWA is linked with an account. But I'm glad I made the leap :3


Whoops. Hit enter. Also bwahaha, the picture. I love it. Also, it's scary how accurate your drawing is of me and my set up. You have cameras on me? :P I was wrapped up in a blue blanket last night.


I still freeze up when it comes to public speaking and class presentations. Unwinding with a nice beer sounds nice. Maybe don't get too wasted though. Be nice to your liver. The weather is starting to look nice. I think I may go out for a walk tomorrow. Fresh air at the park. Wanna join? :D


Huh, you're right. I don't think I see your post here, but I got your a notification in my email :) So not all is lost! I still need to see the Avenger's movie. Your story was really sweet. You probably made that guy's day. We need more random acts of kindness in the world. You're a good guy. And I'm glad you're here with us &lt;3


Sure thing ! Im watching you every night through my crystal ball. Lol, most of the things were spontaneous, lets just say I have a good 6th sense and dont make me a creep :D.


Ramble about your favorite TV show, movie, or book. Or just look around your room and write a love letter to a random object in it. Those are my prompt suggestions. =P


Woof! I did it again! xD Watched All the Star Wars Feature Films. TPM, AotC, CW, RotS, Solo, R1, ANH, ESB, RotJ, TFA, TLJ . . . .now I've been up for *looks at clock* 29 hours. I think it is bed time! *crashes into bed*

skittykat (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-01 04:50:36 Dear, hairpin. I love you &lt;3 Heheh. But good idea, I think I'll do that for my next ramble :)
2019-05-06 01:21:23 Dear, hairpin. I love you <3 Heheh. But good idea, I think I'll do that for my next ramble :)

Dear, hairpin. I love you <3 Heheh. But good idea, I think I'll do that for my next ramble :)


Everyone has a story when it comes to mental health. We have all experienced difficult times or been with people that are struggling. I have had both. It upsets me there isn't a plethora of Skitty photos out there. You can always take selfies for us, we appreciate it 😉 Picturing or bobbing up and down trying to make the collar jingle makes me giggle.


You brought this upon yourself... *spams you with obnoxious duck-faced selfies* mwahahaha The bell is fun. :)