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Edit: Final version of audio now posted

It will sound different this version in this post. Thanks for the feedback :)

I hope you'll enjoy Part 2 as much as you did with Part 1.

Script by u/DarkKnightFeelin 

I'll likely release the audio this weekend or sometime early next week. And if you have any critiques. Please let me know <3

In other news...

I recorded "Love Potion Friendly Fire" by u/FredRiting on the fly today because of a last minute surprise. I was originally going to release the u/SuperHappyDeathSquad audio from my last post... but someone beat me to it. -_- 

So to avoid stepping on any toes. That release will be delayed. Not that it'll matter to you guys, lol. Since you've already listened. 

If you're following me on Twitter, you may have seen my recent post. I tested out my video editing skills, and posted a very short video to Pornhub that has a reactive audio spectrum! 🌈




The perfect thing just before I go to bed, thanks Skitty! Will message you shortly, got a little surprise for you. Also I gotta ask, Is that your face in the PornHub video?


I just woke up in the middle of the night. Here I am wide awake suddenly thinking "how to get back to sleep?" .... And then I notice Skitty posted a new audio for us. See Skitty? you really do know how to please. ;) &lt;3


Thanks again for the wonderful fill! I hope everyone likes it! :D


Being an naughty audio critique so… 🧐🍷 To be fair I was confused at the beginning, but probably because I'm a dum dum and I listened to it in a rush for the first time. Like I was saying to myself "Ok, is she calling with me and we are planning to meet up or ? Oh ! She got disrupted by a random mob spawn (I actually believed to it :D) and has to hanged up… but she is still speaking to me... about her hard nipples and bj ! Wtf ?! :D That was quick !" I got it after a while. I was that mob all along ! The whole time ! What a plot. :D The pillow-humping was there just for about 40 seconds and right after she was laying on her back so it felt kinda random and rushed while it is tagged and I was kinda excited for it :D. So maybe put the mentioning of pillow-humping earlier and put some humping sounds in to the background of sloppy bj sounds so it have some meaning ? I think even the bj sounds would be more interesting and not so "dry" (:D) and it would also give listener more to picture. IDK just an personal opinion and idea. I have no experiences whatsoever. Just these two  things that come up to my mind, the audio by itself is really good as always ;). I liked the picturing, experimenting with new position, your whimpers with mouth full of cock 🥴 (Just remember to dont speak with your mouth full.), bj sounds, sniffing and the wholesomeness &lt;3 ! :D Hope I helped somehow. I'm always willing to.


I like feedback like this. Very good points. I agree, parts of the script did feel kinda rushed. I'll go back and change somethings up before release. Thank you!!


Took me a bit to get to it, but wow, I enjoy the follow up audio. Amazing work, as usual. Super sexy and cute too :)


Going to head over to Reddit to hear the final version, actually excited 🤤