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Trying to get back on the horse with something simple, cute and fun! :D Gonna do an electric one too!

Sorry for being so absennnnt. I feel like a broken record. My shoulder, tinnitus, MTAC (which was kind of a bummer...no table for me. ;n;), taxes, trying to take inventory and sort my shit for putting up in my stores, and just overwhellllming fatigue from the whole cocktail of everything. I'm going to explore my options for mental health help because I've been kind of spiraling out. v-v''

One snippet of good news though: I got some real prescription muscle relaxers for my shoulder and it's feeling sooo much better. Hoping that it's actually healing and not just numbing symptoms. Time will tell. '-'

P.S.: Absolutely no judgement if anyone wants to cancel your pledge while I get my shit together. I feel awful for not delivering content like I want to. Body and brain just won't fucking cooperate. x-x Please send reminders if there are printed rewards I owe you! I can get those out easier than I can get commissions made right now. :x




Well, they are cute and fun, that's for sure. And don't worry too much Izzi. You just get better, and do what you can. Dunno about other people, but I understand.


These are adorbs. Take care of your mental health, you want to keep yourself in good health both physically and mentally.