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I probably should've made 2-3 updates of the progress chunks on this before this point, but guh! I felt like it was just not seeming like enough progess to warrant showing off. D: I like how it's looking now though, I think? But good Arceus am I stumped on how to write and place dialogue on it. v-v'

Gotta do a couple stickers next so I finally have something for my mega-neglected SFW patreon. Maybe switching brain mode will help the dialogue here come more easily when I return...

Also holy crabcakes, I'm so sorry I haven't made a Dark Gold page in so long. I'm really not sure whether I can get back into it. x-x I know I want to at least finish out the current gym, but I might have to find another format/approach if I have any hope of finishing that run. :/ The ratio of effort to results in Nuzlocke comics is just soul crushing. Even focusing on it exclusively, it would take me years to finish. o-o'''

Sorry for the ramble!

I'm attaching progress stages to this post as well as a zoom-in on the redhead Rocket member without Izzi's body blocking her. :3 Will make the usual progress animation when I've settled on the dialogue...




Wow! I certainly love the progress made on this page! It looks great. Win or lose, I feel like Izzi's going to end the night fairly pleased.


Well I always enjoy reading dark gold when it updates maybe letting it go free form rather then being autobiographical would help it make progress?


Heh, basing it on the game was my favorite part of the project though. ^^'' If I'm going to free form something, I'd like to make something original/experimental...like the Drunk Witch project in the back corner of my brain. <3 It really just boils down to how bad I am at streamlining my approach to comics. My long term planning/pacing is non-existent, my writing is clunky/forced, and I nitpick all the wrong things. o-o'' If it was really my passion, I'd focus on studying and refining my skills related to it...but pin-ups and stickers are more natural/rewarding for more people currently, I think? I know some of you really like Dark Gold, but it's a much smaller percent of my fans than those who favor monster girls and cute stickers. '-' And I think more experimental/intimate erotica would draw in more people to, maybe. 'u' I know, it's still a mega bummer though. I hate quitting stuff. ;n;