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Slowly but steadily rendering all this fur and stuff. :D AND HIP HIP HUZZAH! We hit the shiny milestone! This means I'm gonna make a shiny version of these lovely ladies to celebrate! Which is something I am very psyched about because they have great shiny forms. >u< And also you all can vote on which already colored pin-up or pairing to turn shiny next. :D (If you need a compiled list/image of thumbnails to jog your memory, let me know and I'll get that together tomorrow.)




If my quick search is correct the ones that are done are: Kyogre, Chikorita, Umbreon x Espeon and Gatomon. Personally I think Kyogre has the best shiny of the options (dose Gatomon even have a shiny?), but Chikorita could use more variations.


I just remembered something interesting abut kitsune, they apparently carry around white balls called Hoshi no tama (star balls) that hold there soul, they have been known to trade services for the return of one. I am sure you can find some inspiration in that if you decide the shiny version needs "props".


For non-Pokemon, I'd just play with some colors. Like a black cat or calico version of Gatomon. I'll make an image sheet of everything available because I have a couple colored slightly sketchy ones that are passable too. :D Gotta finish this week's Dark Gold first though. Spent too much time on the foxes yesterday. Whuups.