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Since everyone was pretty evenly split between liking the two pose options for Espeon/Umbreon, how would you feel about using the unused pose from that for the next pairing? I'll make the participants a little curvier or more slender if needed, depending on the pairing. 1. Clefable/Gengar (Gengar below, because the whole shadow thing) 2. Braixen/Ninetails 3. Lopbunny/Whismur? (Or other) 4. Plusle/Minun And I'll make a separate post for the single-character vote because this one has plenty to talk about already. '-'




Braixen and Ninetails definitely!


Lopunny sounds fun.


I think I'll add Lopunny to the next single pin-up list...since I'm not able to think of any Pokemon that's really perfect to pair her with, but she definitely needs to be drawn sooner or later. :D And it seems that the foxes have taken this vote pretty decidedly. 'w'