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Fhqwhgads. So many times reworking that torso, and I'm still not sure. '-' Remind me to enjoy some minimal shading with my next endeavor...and higher contrast. I get so soft with full shading.




I actually started out with her being a little chubbier in my sketch, but I lost it while trying to figure out the angle. '-' Whuups. But I'm glad it looks good to you. <3


Thank you so much. <3 I'm trying to remember to use different hues - like blue and pink - to shade the white. It often helps make a more interesting result to use unexpected/unrealistic hints of color. :) I like following these artists if you want some inspiration on coloring technique: <a href="http://feverworm.tumblr.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://feverworm.tumblr.com/</a> <a href="http://purplekecleon.tumblr.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://purplekecleon.tumblr.com/</a> <a href="http://pombei.tumblr.com/tagged/art" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pombei.tumblr.com/tagged/art</a> And this fellow reposts (with source) a lot of art compilations if you want to discover some people with styles you like: <a href="http://madmothmiko.tumblr.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://madmothmiko.tumblr.com/</a> Sometimes it's overwhelming to see art that makes me feel like mine is sub-par, but overall it reeeeally helps with inspiration and building a visual library in mah brain. :D


Gods I envy your colouring ability


What's wrong with the torso? Looks alright to me. Unless you mean like how Gatomon is actually kinda pudgy and she's not, but I think some artistic creativity is okay here :p