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Nude version attached as well, as usual. :3Anyone get the reference I'm making with those Meowths? :D 




I love the Alola forms and the original Pokemon on the whole so far! And honestly, I thought the rehashing of a few gen 1 was a great way to bring some of the original feel/nostalgia in with the new. Crossbreeds/fusions and alt versions of Pokemon are all kinds of popular on Tumblr, so why not? :D I can't say I've put the time into thinking critically about the abilities/battle strats yet. I'm just hype about the atmosphere and the sense of discovery. I'm probably overly positive. ^U^


Yeah, I'm a battler at heart but I agree that at the very least the designs are pretty hype! And this will probably revitalize fan made Alola versions of mons before the release. Any Pokemon you want to see get a new form?


Oh man...There are a ton of Pokemon I'd love to see alt forms of. First thing that came to mind though is a water-Persian, that looks more tropical. Saw someone mention the idea of a big water cat Pokemon as a starter before the official ones were released, and I haven't been able to get the idea out of my head. 'u'