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Grah. Sorry for the late post. I'm going to start the next page tomorrow to make up for it. My tablet has officially entered its final death throes. Took hours of finagling and reinstalling drivers to get through this. Much internal screaming. Very headache. Wow. So I think I have to suck it up and get a new tablet. Any suggestions on that front are welcome. I'm going for cheap but not so cheap it's unrealiable. :/ I'll probably be doing some sketch/donation streams on the SFW and NSFW front to help undent my budget. (Though I don't want to ask more of Patreons, so I'll probably offer some free slots to you guys. :D)




What's your price range? I've worked with some of the smaller models of the Wacom Intuous 3, and found them to work just fine.


I'd like to keep it at or under $150. But it is kind of the lifeblood of my career so I need to accept it as a necessary cost. v-v' Currently the Bamboo Create seems like a decent fit, but I'm gonna do a little more research.


IOwn a bamboo tablet (not familiar with the brand) and after two years ive started using it. Its actually pretty good and works well with photoshop once you get used to it.


I've actually been using a Wacom Bamboo Fun for years now. The poor thing is just dying from wear and tear (I've traveled with it a lot.). And, for whatever reason, the drivers are bugging out randomly too. '-' But I don't doubt the brand, definitely. They seem on top of their game. Just got an old model that's at the end of its rope...poor babe. 'n'