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Since there was interest in these two as well as Gatomon on the first vote, I went ahead and did some colors over these sketches. =) I'll finish these sooner or later, definitely - but at the moment priority for sexy drawing completions is: 1. Kyogre (commission) 2. Gatomon (monthly vote) 3. A pairing! Want to help me pick the pairing now? I'm thinking either Clefairy/Gengar or Umbreon/Espeon would be fun. Alternately I could swap around Gatomon to the pair position (with Wizardmon, yah?) and I could finish one of these two as a single in her place. (Let me know if I need to clarify any of that.)




Umbreon/Espeon :)


Looks like it's definitely going to be Umbreon/Espeon! :D Can't wait to get started on it. ^-^