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It's mostly empty right now, but here is the private Tumblr where I will post anything that I'm paranoid about putting on the Patreon page. Let me know what you think of the layout and idea. :D Password for now is simply: patr3on http://odderkitten.tumblr.com/


Enter Password



From the looks of it I can post and do anything in the dashboard but edit the design and delete posts... nevermind under the "mass post options" I can select posts and: Delete, edit tags, add tags. Im not testing the delete button. I would assume that you would have full access to deleting anyones posts, but it would block me from doing so unless it is my own... but I dont want to hit that button then find out I'm wrong. It shows up in my news feed... but I have to have the blog selected as the blog Im going to post as to have it show up, then its just this blog's posts, nothing else I'm following.


So, it's up to you whether or not to add people as members, it will be added to the news feed but in a round about way. Which then it's just as easy to go to the blog page. People also have the option to post on the Patreon page :3


Hmmm, well...being a member of the blog doesn't seem like it'd be much more convenient than simply checking the blog page. '-' It's a bummer that Tumblr doesn't just let people follow it - or have like...a way to approve people that can follow. That'd be neat. I think I'll just offer to do weekly newsletters for anyone not keen on checking the Tumblr, perhaps. Though I think I'll announce and link to most Tumblr posts here as well.