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So...there's this fairly popular thing that happens on Tumblr annually called "witchweek" where artists draw themselves as witches. (It's the week of the first full moon of the year, which I think would be this week? Guess it depends whether you think Sunday is the start or end of the week...)

Either way, here's this! Dark Gold next, though I am feeling awfully queasy today. Went too long without eating and now my blood sugars are whack. >n< 




Blood sugar crash is terrible, take some time and take care of yourself I'm sure we can wait a day or two.


The most confusing part was that it really hit me right as I was finally getting some food in me, so I was worried it was food poisoning for a while? It's not as bad now so I've ruled that out...since food poisoning usually has more, uh, obvious results. @_@


Nice work on the witch, it looks pretty good. Also, get better Izzi! Hope you feel better soon.