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And I did a progress animation for this one, too! :D

ALSO! Last call for anyone who wants christmas letter with some goodies! I've received several but could definitely put more together it you want. I love you guys, and I'm sorry for this past month's lack of stuff. I'm going to try to get back in gear but it's gonna be chaos with the move and christmas. So if you want some lil' presents in the meantime, it's the least I can do! <3 <3 <3

I'm attaching the form for the christmassy thing to this post again in case you need it! You can send it and any questions you have to me at OdderKitten@gmail.com

Annnnd a couple people expressed interest in sending me things too, so here's my addy in case you need: 988 Cheekwood Trail, Clarksville TN 37042




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