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So apparently Patreon is implementing some kind of tax system? I have little understanding of how it will actually effect things, but I've added what the tier benefits are because apparently the category of reward determines the tax somehow...

In other news, I had a preliminary therapy appointment - over the phone, which was really, really stressful because I'm bad on the phone. No visual cues and talking to a stranger about vulnerable stuff is so...gyuhhh. So I've been really, really anxious and struggling both leading up to that and afterward. I have another assessment and appointment scheduled for next week. Hoping desperately that they can prescribe me the same medication that helped me in the past, or something else that is a good fit. Times are so weird and I was struggling to be able to get to the state of mind where I could draw even before all this.

I hope you all are taking care of yourselves! Thanks for sticking around through this dry spell. I really appreciate (but absolutely don't expect!) it. Hoping to get my shit together soon.

Much love. <3 <3 <3



Hoping for something that works as well as your old drugs but with better side effects.