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Weekly recap! Though I swear there are several missing…Snapchat doesn’t seem to be the most reliable about saving. The captions also vanish sometimes. o.o

Reminder that anyone in $6+ tier or above can get in on this if you want! Just message me your Snapchat name if you do. :3




... *Bows at Izzi's feet.*


There is no escaping a cat that wants attention. Also, nice pictures Izzi! It's always a fun variety of things with you.


Yeah, I feel like a bit of a dork sending out so many cat snaps, but she's gotten sooo cuddly with the weather turning chilly! <3


Maybe so, but that's the right kind of dork to be! My cat insists on hanging out in my room most given days, so I can understand the demands of an adorable feline.