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Finally redesigning the Patreon into something I feel like I should be able to keep up with. The milestones have just been updated. I will use this and maybe next month to catch up with what I already owe and to try to get some decent progress on the Ditto comic - then I will make myself follow the milestone system so that I can actually balance my time properly. Hopefully.

Feel free to review the milestones and ask if you have any questions - but MORE IMPORTANTLY: Let me know what is your *ideal* tier. Because that's my next step in the redesign.

I'm going to get rid of most the empty tiers and make some new ones with more focus on: Stickers rewards, sketch raffle, Your Character Here raffle, and a photos-of-me (snapchat?) tier.

I am totally okay with making custom tiers if you have a specific dollar value/reward you'd like.

Hi-res and the private Tumblr will stay $7+ and printed things need to cost a touch more than they do to buy from my store, since you're simultaneously funding *more* work in addition to the actual printed material. But beyond that - suggestions are welcome!

TL;DR: Changes are happening and holler at me if you want to maybe adjust them.




Good luck with your new milestones! Also, I'm quite happy with my tier. I don't think there's much more I need for ideal.