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Took waaaay longer than it should have to get it to this point. Code is not my forte. :x I probably would've been better off using Wordpress than trying to host it on tumblr, but I thought I could find a workable theme more easily. I'll probably upgrade it to something more sensible in...several months or so.

Anyway, if you want to take a gander: http://izzikat.com/

Password: wip

It won't have a password when it's done. Just have one now because the download links aren't up yet and I still want to add a couple more graphics. Mehbee.

Also - I don't think this works quite right on mobile. I need to get my side menu and content to not overlap. I'll...hopefully figure it out. I don't want to shrink the buttons more. (I'm attaching larger copies of them to this post for shits and giggles.)

Advice welcome, but mostly just wanted you all to have a chance to browse the content early! :D




It's starting to come along nicely. The Patreon might explode (in a good way) once you finish it and get the links and stuff spread around. Show people what you can do and all that.