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As I've mentioned previously, due to health care and life expenses, I'm going to have to either get more mileage out of the Patreon or get a day job which will obviously cut into my art time. But in hopes of being able to balance the new Patreon better - whether it's a fully active thing or a slow trickle - I'd like to know what things *you* value most!

(You could also pass this survey along to any friends who might consider joining if my content was more tailored to what they like. :D)

Anyway, here's the link to the (short!) survey: http://goo.gl/forms/Aq4IuB5w9D

Bonus: Odkit without the survey behind her attached to this post. ^u^




Just curious, but is 1 or 10 the highest? Because 1 seems to be the most interested as it said, yet one of the voting options seemed to imply 10 was the highest (unless I misread it). Just want to do the survey right


There's text along side the numbers - "most desirable" being near 1 and "least interesting" by 10. I probably should've made it the other way around but in my brain, I was thinking like ranking favorites? Top ten list style, y'know, where number 1 is best? :D When I look at the results, I'll try to double check. If someone scored a lot of 7-10s and very few 1-3s, I'll assume the results are flip-flopped. :x I'm afraid to change it now because that'd scramble everything...


If 1 is most desired could you explain what this means please? "If you rate it 10, I'll take that as a vote for zoomed in detail pictures."