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So - I'm officially putting Catch-Y on hiatus. 'n' I am going to be dedicating more time this month to assembling my portfolio/resume, running ads for this Patreon (and comics, maybe, but people are less likely to put money into that...), still trying to catch up on my backlog here, and searching for jobs - and preparing to move! (Out of state, because all sorts of reasons.)

By the end of this month, I will have to figure out for sure whether I am going to be able to remain Patreon-employed or if a regular job is my only option at this time.

I will go ahead and keep the Patreons open either way - but I will have to completely re-arrange what updates and rewards I can offer if I get a regular job. (Don't worry - if you've already paid for rewards, you will eventually get them or else be refunded. It will probably be slow but it will happen. x_x)

I am putting Catcher in the Y on indefinite hiatus, because the reasons listed above combined with the fact that I'm really losing steam with it. As much as I love my girls, I was overly ambitious when I decided to start this story. I was just so enamored with so many elements of the XY world and character designs, and I had a fun idea of how to twist the plot. But the games are just so, sooo long, and I didn't take good enough notes while playing - and I can't seem to balance the Pokemon elements with the story elements, or figure out my pacing at all. UGH.

It's just overwhelming. If anyone wants to know the gist of my ideas for where it was headed, I'll gladly tell you. (It's probably kind of underwhelming though, and not very well tied into Pokemon mythos since the "new" thing I wanted to do with Catch Y was have a stepping stone between Pokemon-driven and original plots. '_')

I'm sorry, guys. ;n; I hate it, but I can't pretend I can keep all these balls in the air anymore...

However, in the good news for the meantime - I will make a new sticker every Wednesday instead to help make up for it! (Stickers are so much less stress and tedium than the conceptualizing, sketching, reorganizing, inking and coloring AND painting backgrounds for AND writing that is necessary for comic pages. @_@) If you want to suggest stickers, please feel free to do so! I'll try to get to them as I can. ^u^

I'm attaching a few sticker designs to this post! A Connie sticker, Horsea, Vulpix and the overdue (tediously redrawn thanks to file loss) lava demon Ifrys sticker! :D




OH MY GLOB! SHE'S A CAT GIRL! Hope things get better. Also, if you're moving, don't move to California. It’s terrible over here. Ps, wouldn't it be called Catcher in the "Hai"...tus? Yeah, that sounded better in my head...


No worries - California isn't on my probable list. I'll be looking for places in Portland, Seattle, Chicago and surrounding areas. Been to all those places before and generally like their vibe. (Also might consider St. Loius...maybe...) And AHAhahhaaAAA. Pun appreciated. XD


If I had the money I would totally sponsor catch-y, I suppose you can put "no more day job"as mile stone 1000$.