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Some slimes, some older experimental pieces and a messy venting piece. The venting one probably needs like a trigger warning or something, though maybe it's abstract enough to not be too bad? @-@ It's an attempt at rendering the maddening fucky sensations of chronic pain/anxiety that like to tangle me up tighter the more I want to get anything done.

Gonna try to figure out how to change the Patreon mode before this month ends so I don't charge you patient saints again until I actually make something. v-v' I'll probably need to just erase all the current tiers and make it a more simple system of tip-what-you-will? I'll keep the snapchat tier though, and would like to make at least a couple special ones though I'm not sure what. I feel so shitty about how completely neglected everyone got, so I don't want to repeat that kind of set up. x-x

I really don't understand how some folks can manage to conceptualize and render art, keep track of supplies, print/assemble stuff, photographs, market, keep track of time, remember to eat, and take care of household stuff. o______o HOW.

Edit: Forgot to attach the full drawings. Pffft. Fixed now.



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