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I am still alive, though at present it's more of a half-life, since this cold is clogging up my circuits something fierce. I think I slept at least 18 out of the last 24 hours? Everything aches blah!

I really wanted to have a bunch of stuff posted by now, and be shipping out the thank you packages in time for christmas, but with how virulent this freaking bug is, I should probably wait to touch anything anyone else will be touching. >n<

As a side note - the Tumblr situation...appears as though I might not be able to use that as the more easily searchable gallery starting tomorrow. We'll see if they actually attack it or not, I guess. I'm kind of hoping they leave private/password-protected shit alone...but if it gets wiped, I'll be looking for a different place to keep a browse-able archive. :/ Suggestions welcome if you happen to have any!

Hope you all are doing well and avoiding this plague. @-@ Happy holidays! Better updates coming as soon as I can see straight...



There are sites like, pixiv that work really well


Get well soon Izzi!