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Been wanting to get these started all month but I've been basically comatose with health stuff. v-v'' But here's the start finally!

Any votes for how to approach coloring these critters or preferences on the pangolin pose? For the colors, it'll vary a bit depending on the particular flag each time, since some have different numbers of colors...  

Oh and shout out any flag you'd like to see on these! There are so many. :O This will probably be an ongoing project, but I'd like to get at least a few variations done for Anime Blues Con (which is just around the corner and I am SO unprepared...guh.)

I'm also considering doing Pride Penguins, Pythons, Platypi, Puppies and/or Panthers, but will probably work on getting these finished first... 




Well I'm aromantic, nonbinary and pansexual so those are a good start from my perspective.


Wow so many different representations throughout your stickers. Very cool. I must vote C on the panda colors and pose G on the Pangolins!


Some identities seem to have more than one flag interpretation...do you favor a particular one? I think pansexual is standardized, but the other two identities seem to have multiple interpretations. For Aromantic: Green/Yellow/Orange/Black or Green/white/Grey/Black or Green/Yellow/Grey/Black? For Nonbinary: Yellow/White/Purple/Black or...I guess the others I'm finding are all slightly different terms. Genderqueer, Agender, Neutrois, Nonbinary Guy/Girl, etc... '-' Oh and do you have a favorite of the other animals I listed? (Or another suggestion? :D)


Thanks for the feedback! :D Do you have a favorite of the animals I listed for additions to Pangolin/Panda? (Or another P animal? ...though I suppose I don't HAVE to have alliteration, I just like it. ^u^)


Green/light green/white/Grey/Black seems to be the most common for aro and yeah "nonbinary" has its own pretty standardized flag then a shit ton of sub-identities that fall under the nonbinary umbrella each have their own flags. And i am always a fan of weird underrepresented animals like Platypi and Axolotls oh and Opossums are pretty cool they seem to have a following among anarchists and revolutionary types .