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Wanted to do a doodle update of my demonsona being all floppy and tired looking from post-convention burnout and con crud, and ended up putting a little more effort into it than I intended because I thought she might make a funny sticker. ;p I've been accumulating quite a few demonsona doodles so maybe I'll make a sticker sheet of them eventually?

Anyway, trying to get back into gear, and trying to gain back the weight I lost from being nauseous and asleep most of the last week. o-o' Doesn't help anything that I stopped my steroids this week and I think my Plaquenil isn't enough on its own to keep my autoimmune aches at bay. Everything feels bruisedddd. Gonna get another doc appt soon...

Oh and it's doing taxes time! Egads!




I hope you feel better soon Izzi and not just for the art.