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So I'm going to work on designing/redesigning the characters while thinking about the story. Trying to make them fit their roles. This is my first rehashing of the white mage. I'm personally liking this hair/skin coloration, and the outfit design should probably stay predominately white. But I'm still pretty ambivalent about many elements still. I think this sketch looks a little older than what the final design needs to be. She's in her late teens. She comes from a lower class family which, to give her a better future, sent her to serve the Queen in her early teens when her proclivity for healing magic became evident. But after witnessing some (spoilers), she realized she wasn't safe there and ran away. I'm toying with the idea of her being a bit lewd in that she has a tendency to become too involved with characters she's trying to heal. (Also young people in the Queen service are very common, so she can still wear the robes worn while in her service without issue. She's from a common race as well, and managed to escape before she was a person of interest to the Queen. This could change at some point in the story, of course.) I'm also attaching the original design for this character and a painting of the Queen's throne room to give you a feel for the aesthetic she's associated with. (Probably needs updating as well, but the colors are at least right.) Feedback? Favorite variation? Name? What do you think of "Elthia" for a name?




I like the middle one the best. She also looks younger then the other two. I also like the name Elthia, its very underused and could stand to gain some popularity. The meaning also suits her very well. <3 She has changed (and you have improved so much) since her early variation. I absolutely love her revamp.


I also like the middle option and Elthia is a fine name for her. "I'm toying with the idea of her being a bit lewd in that she has a tendency to become too involved with characters she's trying to heal." So shes the kind that likes to take temperatures rectally and pays special attention to genitals during sponge bathes? (Or whatever it is white mages do in your world.)


Special attention to genitals in sponge baths sounds like it's along the right lines. XD She's fairly young and not exposed to much, so it would mostly be that her healing methods are very hands-on. She can heal at a distance but it's much more effective if she can rub, stroke, caress and kiss things back into order. Also I'm glad there's a consensus so far on which variation works best! Neat. :D


Thanks and double thanks! ^__^ I'm so glad this reads as improvement. <3 I still need to settle on a style for the illustrations themselves, but I do think something less line heavy could be good. Have you heard of Ava's Demon by chance? Very inspiring style. *-*