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I'm loosely basing the ice lady off of Shiva (FFX, mostly). I'll probably be adding some more patterns and details to her as I go. And I'll do different layers of hardened rock on the lava demon, like I did the first time I drew her. :) ...annnnd one of these days, I'm going to finally name her, and Harpy gal, and the pumpkin spice girl. I'm always nervous settling on names for things. :x




Pumpkin spice: anything from the Starbucks menu. :3 Harpy: Harper, Heather (like feather), name off of some bird? Lava demon: stick with FF, something like Ifrina, Ifrit's sexy sister. It's 8 am, just ignore me.


I would absolutely love to see more of these two in the future. :3c