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Just gotta shade this babe! I've actually already started with the shading but idk if I'll end up redoing it all. I feel like I've forgotten how to shade suddenly? My eyes are so confused feeling for some reason!

In non-art news, I'm still waiting on some blood test results in my long ass journey to figure out my health. Also went to the dentist recently and found out I supposedly need 8 fillings, but I feel like that's kind of crazy given my genes, diet, dental habits and whatnot...so I kind of want to get a second opinion before shelling out money I really don't have for that all. @_@ BUT IN FUN NEWS - my cat Hitomi is super pregnant! Probably due on the 17th? I'll be sure to post tons of snapchats/photos of the new fuzzbutts. <3

Oh and I also stopped going to my shitty therapist because she wasn't helping me at all - still never got my name right even - and they didn't have the staff to help me with medicine because they do that separately at this clinic. They didn't manage to get me seen by a med person even once in the...8? 9? months that I was going there. =_= Le sigh.

Oh oh and there's SNOW in the forecast here?! I hope it comes through! I love snow!




It looks great so far! Love your style for different body types. I'm happy you're making progress on the health front. Thank you for the updates. Those medical professionals that cannot even be bothered to get your name off a file can go suck an egg. I'm glad you are rid of them since they provided no utility to you.