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Oh, Izzi's in for an awkward future partner...then again, she nearly peeled Togepi open, got grab-assed by Toph in their first meeting (or grab-thighed, it was hard to tell at first...but grab-assed is funner), and forgot poor Brisby, so there were always quirky moments between Izzi and her Pokemon. A thought does occur though. I know how attract works in game mechanics (opposite sex only)...but what about "in world"? That might come up in Whitney's Gym (that evil woman, and her evil Miltank). Miltank: Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all...Nothing at all...NOTHING AT ALL! *shaking ass* Izzi/her Pokemon: AUGH! Stupid, sexy Miltank!


Awe, Zuko's growing (and standing) up!