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In lieu of doing fully illustrated pages for Catcher in the Y this year, I'm going to try to dedicate some time to putting together this original fantasy story I've had on the back burner for a couple years now. 

Most of it is still in my head and that's a horrible habit for story writing. I'm making this post more of an ice breaker than a legitimate look into the plot. I've had a lot more experience with illustration and exposure to character design since I started trying to bring these to life, so hopefully I can redesign things to be more interesting, diverse, and coherent. Any comments, questions or suggestions are welcome.

My next post about Drunk Witch (working title...not sure if it'll stick) will focus more on the world(s) involved and the potential conflicts in them. I have some of the back story laid down for a few characters, and I know mostly how I want things to end. But I'm still a long way from filling in the middle and, gods help me, deciding on WHICH point to actually start the damn thing. 

Needless to say, the way I share this process with you is going to be quite distinct from the Pokemon comics which simply are working their way from beginning to end with embellishment. This has its pros and cons. Because avoiding spoilers is going to be a LOT harder, but it also opens a door for more collaboration if that interests you. To help avoid spoilers in the future, I can attach text documents instead of writing everything out here.




Dude I'm all about this kinda shit right now. I'm writing a science fiction story right now and that's like the third cousin of fantasy stories. And like I've said several times before, I'd be more than happy to help you with anything if you'd like. I don't even mind spoilers; worldbuilding can be fun as hell :)


Yes! I'll definitely be taking you up on that offer. Just gonna focus on finishing up last month's stuff before I collect my courage to share thoughts. ^^' Hopefully this weekend I'll drop you a line.