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Finally done! My ears/eyes/head are aching and it's making work really slow. >n< I'll probably try to tackle this week's Dark Gold update before doing the censored edit on this. Also need to get the votes for this month up. I feel like there was a particular Pokemon I mentioned somewhere I should add to the options this month....does anyone recall? 'n'




Well I remember suggesting Delibird (with a sack full of "fun" things) as a seasonal addition and you expressed interest in doing a Feraligatr. Quick things from last month Harpy needs polishing and I think Espurr won the shiny and futa edits, you also have a pair of outstanding commissions according to the tumblr.


More than a pair, but those two are the ones highest in the queue. ^^' Thanks for helping me recall the Pokemon mentioned for the sketch! :D Delibird would be quite a challenge to make sexy... XD