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I might polish her up more some time if you all would like to see that...other stuff is probably a priority though, ya? I'm attaching two slightly different versions of her to this - one with sand, one with a white/contrasty background.

And, in personal news, my endless apologies for being so behind on everything still. This health shit I've got going on is belligerent as fuck. It's mentally and physically exhausting to not be able to do what I want to do and have to make such slow progress on everything. I'm trying to stay positive and try different things to figure out and improve my situation.

If you want to leave the Patreon for any reason because of my short comings, please feel 1000% free to do so. I am thankful for those of you willing to bear with me, but I do not expect it in anyway. If you are sticking around, please just keep sending me (gentle?) reminders of what I owe you. It's really hard for me to remember things.  D:




The Sling Bikini was always my favorite, it's the sexy one piece. Maximum cleavage doesn't hurt either.