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This sketch of my demon-witch character with a hammer is here to tell everyone she's fixing things up, on the Patreon, my Indiemade store, and in my life in general! ;p

I will be switching this Patreon to the charge-up-front method at the end of this month! To my understanding, this shouldn't effect current active pledges. Do message me if something odd happens so we can contact Patreon about it.

The reason for the switch is because I continue to accumulate fraudulent patrons, and it's harder to stay motivated and keep track of everything as that happens. I'm going to be deleting (which sadly also means blocking by default) most inactive pledgers at the beginning of next month. If you've given any significant amount over time, I won't touch your pledge because you're cool people, obviously. ;p

Do message me if you have any concerns!

Other stuff going on, not patreon related...I'm biting my nails waiting to hear back from AWA about the Artist Alley. Really hope I get in because my little art heart is so bummed about not being able to sell at MTAC and GMX being cancelled this year. D:

Annnd I've also been doing a bunch of doc appointments the past couple weeks - testing thyroid, trying some pseudoscience/naturopathy (mostly to humor my mom...), and learning the ropes with the mental health clinics in town. First did my intake and my first evaluation really fast, but turns out they have limited ability to prescribe stuff...so I had to switch to another clinic, do intake there, and today I have my first eval/therapy session. It's a bit stressful to repeat over and over all the stuff going on to strangers, but I'm hopeful, kinda. I really just want to try to find a med that can dull down tinnitus and other sensory overload a bit, and can help me sleep better and sleep when I should. v-v''

Anyway, stay tuned and send questions if you have them - about patreon stuff, reward stuff, or miscellany!




I have some friends that go to AWA every year I'll tell them to keep an eye out for you.


It's finally the first so I can officially say I'm happy to be a patron of yours! We'll be here to support you as you go through all these boss fights. I look forward to hearing about your swift recovery.