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It was a pretty close vote between these two pairs, so I went ahead and sketched both. I gotta admit, I'm personally leaning a little more toward the more obviously Halloween-ish gals given the time of year, but I'll let you peeps get the final say. :D In other news, I'll be at GMX this year, selling prints, bookmarks, stickers and such! If you happen to be not-too-far from Tennessee, you should totally consider swinging by. ^u^ (I'm attaching a file with what shooouuld be my booth location to this post as well.)




Phantrump and pumpkaboo. But dear arceus, that houndour is just too cute! Hope to see this pair later.


Oh absolutely! I was thinking I'd finish HoundSel by default for next month's pair since it's a popular choice as well. :D And probably sketch the next options for pairs, since just showing Pokemon images leaves a it a little more vague then I'd like.


Punkaboo! Punkaboo!