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Keyette Johnson

It definitely gets better.😂😂😂...and Coolio..I mean I guess he eases up after a little. I remember hearing that he was told to act that way for entertainment purposes, but idk. ...For the most part tho once Coolio is gone , I think you guys will be able to get into and enjoy it way more...and don't get me wrong there are still a few cringe things that happen every so often throughout the series, but overall I think it's something that every army should or can watch and enjoy. It was just a part of the Journey.💜💜💜


I'm Team Coolio. He gets a bad wrap from ARMY sometimes but like imagine his position. He's an OG rapper. Like he's of the era where hip hop artists really had to fight to have their art, their music taken seriously. Now he's got 7 boys from Korea decked out in chains and bandanas who don't seem to know anything about the history or culture of it and he got protective and defensive. As he said, this isn't a joke to him. And the boys needed the lesson. RM, Suga, Hobi...they grew up with hip hop music but they still experienced it through a Korean lens (and we all know how poorly k-culture handles hip hop and black artists). And then some of the boys had no idea at all what hip hop was about. In the entrance interview for AHL, when asked what hip hop is, Jungkook says "black" (referring to the color of their hip hop wardrobe) and Tae says "handsome." Coolio made the boys understand that hip hop was serious and that it's political and the culture of a people. And I think the boys really took that to heart. They have been some of the least problematic idols with regard to their portrayal of hip hop and I think part of it was their experiences through AHL. Meanwhile, one of the girls from Blackpink in a Rolling Stones interview a couple of months ago said hip hop was "cool vibes, swag, whatever words you can use" and used Rihanna as an example of the genre saying "can make anything hip hop." -_- So I'll personally never be anything but grateful for Coolio letting the boys know what's what.


I absolutely see your perspective and agree. I do think however, that some responsibility needs to be placed on some of the record labels to teach their artists during the grueling trainee/artist development period. A lot of these groups are a “creation” in the sense that not all members are performing/creating the music that they would have, had they pursued an independent or even solo career. Of course, all members are old enough to educate themselves on the history of the art they’re creating as well. While I appreciate what American Hustle Life aims to achieve, I do think the approach may be off putting at times which has less to do with Coolio but more so the scare tactics for entertainment purposes. I do however, look forward to seeing their growth, development and newfound understanding of the world of hip hop. -Xavé


I totally agree that the onus on teaching BTS (or any idols) about hip hop should DEFINITELY be on the artists themselves and labels FIRST. 100%. I would LOVE to see that happen. It was not Coolio's job to come in and educate them at all. But as he was brought in as a mentor, I think he was totally within his right to speak from his perspective and say what he said. I listen to a lot of Coolio's stuff but I don't know him as a personality so I'm not sure how much of the attitude was him and how much was the producers trying to make compelling television--I'm sure it was a mix. There's a man later in the series who came out and said he was asked to be a bit of a hardass. So I definitely think that's part of why he took such a strong approach. But seriously, ARMYs have crucified Coolio since AHL aired as being a bully and a disrespectful has-been and I really just feel like people should see his perspective. So I wanted to try to put that out there for consideration. :) Excited to watch this series with you!! It's honestly one of my favorites. I think j-hope, Jin, and Tae got their first opportunities to shine on the show and it's so heartwarming to see. :)


i'll never get over how sick that prank was 😭


It's hard to watch first 2 episodes and then it will be better.


please keep watching because the show actually does have a lot of great moments and the last 2 episodes I acturally think everyone should watch