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The cunning demons got you in a thorny situation. Will you come out the other end triumphant?

By the way, the new build is gonna come out pretty soon. I've been hard at work finishing the whole map of Vanaland, adding new characters, writing new stories and such. There will be several fights with in the new stories and I've been trying to make the fight interesting and all. I have been trying to branch out to other sorts of content as well, so things have been taking a bit longer. 

To let yall know whats coming, here is a list of new stuff:

* A police station underground where prisoners or even monsters are held captive

* A hospital where nurses are working their butt off for the sicks

* An alchemy workshop where crazy experiments are performed

* New update on the angel route where a big battle takes place

* Five new characters coming

Thank yall for sticking around. 



