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Hello my Patrons, the end of the Year is fast approaching.

First off, I'd like to give my thanks for the support you've all shown me in the past year, whenever you may have started.  The Support encourages me to keep going, and keep the show the best I can keep it.

And we have managed to make it 1/5th of the way to what I consider my support grand prize, the Month of Gokaiger Project.  I know fellow reviewer EZ Rider also has the show at the same Patreon marker, so let's see if we can beat him to it!

Buuut there's currently opposition to my show's regular operation.  You may or may not have Noticed the 555 videos going down.  Well, Toei hit The Dailymotion Page and took down It and Jetman.  I am currently in the process of pursuing Counter-claims through Dailymotion, and am re-editing them in hopes that with no clip longer than Ten seconds, Toei will leave me alone.
I'm basing this on the restored megaranger and Kuuga reviews that I've done this to, which they've left alone depsite Kuuga part 1 having been repeatedly taken down in recent months before I did that.

Regardless, 555 Will be fully restored by Next week, and you all will be seeing The conclusion of the review series Tomorrow with paradise Lost.

Second, there are only two review sets left in the Year; The Conclusion to .Hack Retrospective, and a 5-Part Evisceration of the Recent Super Hero Taisen Film, Grand Prix.  The Latter will run daily The week of December 21st, concluding on Christmas, which you will see the week before

Next year, however...is where things get weird.

To be frank, I am Exhausted from Seasonal Overtime at my dayjob, and Far behind pre-production for next year as a result of that.
For an Idea of how far behind I am, Pre-production was supposed to begin in September.
Pre-production involves game footage gathering, watching the shows/movies,  and prop construction for things I intend to do in the upcoming year, and I've only just this week started on it.  As I like to have Content ready a full month before release, this is far from a good thing, as these are things that NEED to be done before I begin actually writing the content, let alone recording and editing.  This year my plan was to also write scripts far in advance so I Could edit multiple months in bulk and then have more free time for side projects.  This has happened to not be the case.

Moreover, I intended to also use this time to re-edit older episodes for Youtube comaptibility--something I've ended up doing anyways with the easier-to-do .Hack reviews and now the 555 reviews--but That's just ended up on top of everything else.

So by weird, it means content release is going to be slowed to Once every two weeks until I can mediate such an issue, and either a one-week or two-week break between greater bulk releases until I can sufficiently get ahead of things.

I intend to have this only last until June, after which I hope to have things get back to normal, but this will be starting with a 3 or 4 week lack of scripted releases in January.

After which however, We will have 3 things prioritized in sequence.

First, Chandler Ritter has requested a Review of Avatar the Last Airbender.
As in the Cartoon.
I am watching the series now, and such will be a 3-part review released beginning in late January; one video per season.  And in thanks for his understanding in the associated delay from making it a priority, sometime in 2016 I will be reviewing the Shallamalan movie.

Second, I AM GOING TO MAGFEST in The Middle of Feburary!
This ties into this, as I will be shooting between 3 and 4 reviews at the convention.  They are in pre-planning, and Will be movie reviews, as movie reviews are easier to watch and write on weekends then full-series and RPG reviews that usually take a couple weeks if not longer to watch/play and write up.

If everything goes to plan, The first of Those will be up here the following week

Third:  I will begin on the patreon Goal videos, starting with the original episode remakes.  Onimusha warlords is short, and I've got some new things to say about Gojira and it's adaptation, so those will be out of the way in the next 6 months.
As for the Yugioh videos, one of the planned magfest reviews is intended to be the first one of those, but it's the one that could potentially be dropped.  At this point, A 1- or 2-part Look at Season 0 has been funded, but I might end up looking at the movie first.

On TOP of that, I managed to recover the source Files related to The reviews of Kamen Rider Black and Black RX; the only two other reviews currently down.  I've not had the chance to check If I can actually get the files to open; but if all goes well,
I intend to remaster them; record new audio and cut/change some segments, and re-release them in this period.  So in replacement for a lack of new content, that's what will hopefully show up on patreon in the absent weeks before it goes public.
Finger's crossed.

So yeah, I'm going to be busy, but with any luck with a slightly-lessened workload It'll allow me to get back on track.

I'm also going to try streaming on youtube gaming the weeks I'm not going to have Scripted content ready to go public, so you won't be entirely without my nasally voice.
Not sure whether if will be duel networking events, live examples of my footage recording sessions, or just random short games I'll play to relax yet.  However, I'll be endeavoring To figure out Google Hangouts to try and get public guests in, so I Might be able to set up a patron-exclusive game of cards against humanity or something during that time.  We'll see.

I have also changed the High-end goal of the show.  While I'd like to review some mecha anime at some point or something that fits the same niche as the .hack series, splitting my prioritites too far when I have my specialty Is likely not the best of Idea's.  That has now been replaced..with tattooed teenage alien Fighters from Beverly hills.

It is an absolutely awful show.
Marzgurl recently reviewed it, If you've not seen, and I think that ripoff is a show that deserves my episode-by-episode scorn.
Then Again, I'll with any luck be getting to Goakgier and Megaforce long before that, sooo...

Also as a general reminder: Patreon funding is taken at the beginning of the following month after pledging, so If you need to drop or change pledge levels please do so before they try to take the cash.  While I appreciate the support, I do understand that Not everyone has the surplus Money to just throw at someone for early access videos, requests and special projects, so Don't feel obligated if you feel Like you won't be able to.

I'll try to have these update posts come around more regularly from now on as well.

But in the meantime, I hope all of your holiday plans turn out the best they can, And I'll see you all in the new year!

Thanks Everyone!

~Davis "Des Shinta" Sleboda

Keep circulating the Links.


James Bevan

If you want to keep up with content production without slowing down, have you thought about doing a few list videos? Easy to make, and they can give you some extra time to catch up on production.

Des Shinta

last time I did a 'list video' (The ONLY time I did a 'list' video), it actually took more time to edit than a normal video. look, It's either going to be less frequent content for Six months, or no Content for three months. There's no way around this.

James Bevan

Didn't know that about the list video thing. My bad. Sorry.