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Not like that, Most of this year's content is already done, and I'm not sick...yet.

However, work is offering bonus pay for sticking around (as long as we're not sick, if we're sick they want us gone and will cover our sick leave to be gone), and we're pretty close to getting mandatory overtime as it is since...well, half the building is already out, and the Coronavirus technically hasn't even actually HIT my area yet.  So either way the next Six weeks is looking to be a wash for production as I'm potentially looking at Chrismas-season-levels of extra work, for a LOT of extra pay, and a lot of resultant exhaustion from it.  However, because of that, I'm likely going to have to scrub one or two projects from the schedule...again.  And the likely one shoved off of it is...once again, Garo Makai No Hana; if only because the finale's to the yugioh reviews are long overdue, and they're half-done and scripted as it is thus require less work to get out.

If I DO get sick and have to quarantine myself along with my roommates...well, it'll depend on how sick I end up on what I'll be able to do.  Second-Worse-case and I'm barely functioning?  I'll just likely be doing footage recording for one of the 4-6 game reviews I'm intending to do; One of which is a patreon request (thank you Dylan Lee, I've gotten a copy of what you requested all set up and ready to go when I get the time) another will finally be megaman battle network 4 *complete* which is currently sitting at about 45% of done with footage capture of it, 2 of which are Cyberconnect2 games I've actually not talked about in Honor of their company's anniversary, and the last two...are surprises, but one I've already teased wanting to do before, and BOTH are in relation to major anniversaries.

The worst-case, of course, is me being hospitalized from breathing issues due to the Pneumonia complications I had years ago.  Ironically, my preference to stay about 3 feet from other people at all times seems to be working out for me thus-far.

In The short-term however, you'll see no scheduling differences on what will be uploaded and released.  I've got content done through the Middle of August...with exception of another Rapid review I hope to be able to make of Persona 5 The Royal (with cheese) at the beginning of April...if I can find the time have the energy, and can get my premium copy in the possibility if that gets delayed.  It's only back-end, closer-to-end-of-year content that'll be affected, as April's my cutoff point for production this year if only due to the massive timesinks involved in getting next year done....bar, once again, anything that might come up as a near-release rapid review.  I kind of liked that sudden format shift.

In the meantime, stay well everyone.


James Bevan

Stay safe, Des.