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PC's motherboard just failed.

been trying to get a fault with it fixed for months, but due to the age of it Dell just gave me the run-around and tried replacing it with a lemon, so their tech support will be of no help due to the feud I'm currently in with them over it.

Going to try taking it to a local PC repair place, But BEST CASE scenario is it's up and running Again AFTER the cutoff Time I have for working on next year's content, as my other tech equitment can't run Jack in regards to recording or even WATCHING or WRITING content.  meaning I'd just finish out the backlog of what I have scripted and the patreon requests before calling it.

WORST case is I've lost everything.  if that happens...well, I don't exactly have a lot of options there.


Des Shinta

Also: this was posted from my phone.