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"The show introduces more riders that make it questionable why they are called such, as the new ambiguity to the title is more explored.

Also: Everybody’s favorite plot device makes a cameo."


Password is "Ryuki"

Yes, Blip is working again.  Ran into some issues with Dailymotion I need to sort out.


Tokusatsu in Review: Kamen Rider Ryuki part 2

The show introduces more riders that make it questionable why they are called such, as the new ambiguity to the title is more explored. Also: Everybody's favorite plot device makes a cameo.



Ah Zolda, my favorite rider in this series. Yeah whoever made that picture shown last time probably should have had Raia over Sayaka instead of Knight but that's just me, and whoever tried to compare Mami to Scissors needs to be punched, because the only thing those two have in common is, well obvious if you've seen both shows. Other then that, they've got nothing in common. As for comparing Kyoko Sakura to Asakura, well she's definitely more sane and has more humanity then this guy.

Des Shinta

I had two madoka-Ryuki mashup pics, that was the second one. I wanted to save the better one for an upcoming moment.


Ah yes, your gripes with prophecies and their inevitability in narratives. I personally agree, with one exception: Legacy of Kain. Mostly because there it's implied that history itself takes an active part in events. So much so that the catch phrase of the entire franchise is: "History abhors a paradox." Also it's a surprisingly compentent telling of a time travel plot, considering that the series was supposed to end at least two times before it did. Back to Ryuki, I do like Zolda's Final Vent, mostly because I have a thing for all out barrages of projectile weapons. Also it reminds me of MegaGargomon, and that is always a plus.