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The repetitive stress injury for my hand that I've been having on and off all year is back.  I tried resting it for a full week before and it seemed to work, but that's not long enough a rest period unfortunately, and it's just as bad as it was before the rest.

Prognosis?  Months of therapy/rest would be required to get it back to 'normal', with no guarantees against a relapse. or in short: get what I can done for editing the reviews on my docket Right now, and then questionmarks on a timetable for return.

I'm also looking into an ergonomic mouse, but the best ones are all built solely for right handed people when i prefer an ambidextrous mouse simply for situations where one hand is occupied doing something else.

...Not THAT.

--and most gaming built ones with the best ergonomic design are solely right-hand dedicated builds.

GOOD news?  Right now I'm working on Hibiki, THAT will get done this year. ETA mid/Late November.  Also have New (non-remaster) videos for August/September/October all ready as well.

Good news?  the .hack remasters are (comparatively) short videos.  I finish recording the footage, and that should give enough rest time to do those as well.

Good news?  When Matt​ moved in he helped me a LOT in getting the remasters I did earlier this year done, He can likely help at that again for getting Kuuga--Faiz review remasters up next year.

But then comes the bad news...

I can't edit while stuck as a Southpaw.
At All.
I have terrible muscle control in my entire left side, it simply won't work for that.  I can GAME left-handed no problem with a bit of practice, but editing is straight out, as my hand just won’t respond well for that input.
And I'm not going to hand over all editing with how I do reviews over, as much like some directors who I picture the flow of things just won’t add up if I don’t place the scenes the way I want them to myself.

So yeah, you'll likely see me and the guys do stream more often in the next few months...and next year (something big'll be next year), with structured reviews (and Patreon requests for Chandler and also Secret74 who's been at the $40 tier for a few months now, which as always will take priority in the docket for next year) up when I'd be able to manage it.

I've got a LOT of stuff already written to run through yet, so you're not getting rid of me that easily.


Ryan McCarthy

Please take all the rest you need and I hope you get better soon.

Dennis King

Rest man, you deserve it