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Here it is :)

Those of you who were with me from the start by now allread printed lots of my functional lightsabers , and here's another one :)

There are 2 verions, one non functional and a functional one - the functional one uses my standard electronics we've been ued for almost 2 years now - links for sabers and everything is in the project folders :)

I am working on the assembly video right now, so that one will be posted tomorrow :)

I test printed it allready and it works very very good .

I also added a screw mechanism to allow you easy access for the electronics

Happy printing :)



Andy Hughes

Love it though is it possible to have a version of the functional just in two pieces? Split where you screw it together. My resin printer is just slightly too small to fit the combined version but I still want to limit what needs gluing for structural and quality reasons. The thicker neck of the combined might help lesson the light showing for me there as well. Though painting might resolve that issue.

Dave East

Hey Marko, Ive looked through the folders for this one, but cant find it. Ive found Ezras I refreshed the google drive, but no luck. Can you ping me a link please?

Marko Makaj

i moved it to sabine wren armor folder - just open up sabine wren armor, and you will find it in there :)