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 So its still a work in progress, im redoing the grips, not feeling them just yet, so will sculpt new ones, and still doing some test printing, and then i'll wrap it up :)

I've seen quite a few releases but going a bit in depth i've noticed all of them had quite some huge inaccuracies. 

I hope there is no need to mention it, but for new members i would like you to know i'm not just making models to make models, there is quite allot of accuracy research done behind those, so thats why they might take a bit longer to be made :)   

OK, so will redo the grips, and some fine tuning, but the new Bryar pistol from Andor is almost ready, and will be added to the "we are makers" tier  :)   



Well Armed Ogre

Don't forget " I'm also .asking these so printing them isn't a nightmare and can be done with out sucking" Great example is your heavy mando gun, others provide that as one ginormous file which you have to figure out the cuts

Marko Makaj

Haha true :D im printing them myself so if i hate it i know others will as well :D

Mark Graham

Can you update this with the new reference pics

Marko Makaj

What are the new reference pics ? Not sure ive seen them, can you send it over ?