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So i wanted to realease this one with some other models i've been working on, but i figured i'd just toss this one out, so you still have enough time to produce some before Easter :)

Its a little tradition thats been going on now, and i'll try ti make one for every holiday , and so far we have the Pumpkin'O'Lorian (Halloween), Christmas O'Lorian (Christmas), and now the Egg'O'Lorian ( Easter)

I've added both the egg version and one with flat bottom so you can print it stadinng up.  IF printing in filament, only part that would need some support is a bit on the back vent - however im gonna try to print it completelly without support, bcs i thing it would work, will let you know on that one :)

More stuff coming soon, i just figued i'd add this as a little extra between projects :D



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