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Aaaand im calling this one done :)   

So as it was suggested i have made the helmet stand for our Dain Ironfoot helmet. A while ago Vince Wilson suggested to turn his hammer into a stand, and i loved the idea.  

So what i did was first created his hammer - it has an oopening for 10mm rod for strength and stability, ofc multiple printing options, like hallow sides, one that needs less suprots, a full combined one for small scale resin print,  but you will see all thats included in the photos/folder.   

There are also 2 stand options  that are somwhat including his hammer, so you can check those out. And one cool thing is, all the parts from the hammer to stands are compatible, so if you wish you can make a stand but also a seperated handle with the rod, and basicly just ecshange some parts to go btween stand/hammer prop :)   

I have also added an assemby list on white background in case you wish to print those out while building bcs there are allot of parts, and this way you ownt spend allot of ink on your regular printer. Funny how i just called it "regular"  XD to me a 3d printer is a normal printer :D oh well, yeah :D   

so anyways thats it for the Dain build, moving on to something next wich will be ready soon as well :D :D   have a great week guys :)



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