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so this post feels almost hypocritical of me, yeah as the title suggests things havent been the best, so don't worry It's not covid (again).

basically, my body has hit a point of something and its not great, so some may recall that I recently got a newer better job, well that newer better job is also double the hours. by the time I make it home, I get three hourse to myself before I need to sleep, bare in mind I also have to eat and prep for bed in this time, I do get two days off however. 

now the problem comes with what i've been trying to do. so, given I don't have as much free time now I attempted to extend that time, I used to do some stupid stuff years ago. energy drinks, up till 6am, it wasn't the best of times but yeah, years of that and ageing means my body does not react to that well. In december alone I made myself sick three times in a month by trying to keep awake past my limit in an effort to cram as much work and lesuire in my days as possible, but I just can't. (For context I had been taking energy suppliments etc, which in turn led to anxiety / induced increased heart rate, vomitting and passing out.)

what I'm trying to say is, I'm just a little scared. Like, worried that I'm letting everyone down for not having a comic out, or keeping tabs on here, or being selfish for not working after work on comics. I pushed my body to a point and it pushed back, and all I accomplished was making myself bed ridden even longer.

I'm sorry for the long post, and I appreciate you reading this for making it so far, don't worry the comics and more are still coming, I don't really know what i'm trying to say here but I want to be honest, be sure to take care of yourselves, your body and you have limits. (maybe thats why we enjoy "borrowing" someone else's ;3) but seriously, be sure to rest and be sure of yourself, I wish I could and I will, but I just need to shout it to the world so it's not eating me up.

thank you all, do take care.




Hope you get better soon buddy ^^