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All characters and events in this story are complete fiction, any resemble to real situations or people is purely coincidental. All characters are 18+

After John defended himself and attacked me with his card (that apparently made me gay!), with no response from me, Michael's cards grew brighter again, and it was his turn to attack.
"I don't know what to choose" Michael said, "This isn't like any other card game that you can recover from, we need to choose wisely or we're fucked dude". The rest of us went silent, he was right, one small mistakes and our friends can fucks us up without even meaning to.
Michael decided which card to play and threw it towards John. It was a Physical card called "Showcase", it's description was "You're proud of EVERY inch of you, and you show it every chance you get to".
The second I read it I thought to myself "Please don't tell me it's what I think it is", and I was right.

John looked at the card and then at Michael, "You asshole" he said "I accept".
The card disappeared and What I thought it was became true, John suddenly stood up and took his shirt off. I could see his 6 pack and his "happy trail" leading to his pants, almost inviting me to touch his abs and feel him up. His arms weren't super big but you could clearly see he's working out here and there, you notice his muscles immediately if you even get a glance at him shirtless, and seeing his pecs with a slight amount of hair... I just wanted to put my head on them and suck his nipples.
"Oh my god am I really drooling over John taking off his shirt?" I asked myself.

After John took his shirt off I guess it wasn't enough for the card's effect, cause he took off his pants too. "Dude, what the hell?" Michael said towards John, "I can't help it, it's the card you idiot" he replied.
And Michael did not overreact because the second John took off his pants we found out that he went commando for the whole day. I could clearly see his slightly hairy thighs, his low hanging, full, huge balls. You could hold them in your hand and your hand would be full. But John's dick was the cream of the top - shaved pubes, no foreskin, a 7 inch dick that's still flacid and inviting you to suck it. Damn it, am I the only one who's not packing in this room?
Seeing John naked with all his glory, right after I saw Michael's fantastic dick made my dick hard.

After that John sat down and Michael asked him "That's it? You're comfortable now, nudist?" John laughed a bit and nodded his head yes. John's cards now grew brighter and it was his turn, he took a second to himself and picked a card from his hand and put it in front of me. "I can't afford to lose any more cards for nothing" I thought to myself, knowing it's the best thing I can do for now I said "I accept." The card was a Physical card called "Under Oath", it's effect was "For the rest of the game, you only answer with the truth."
It can't be that bad, right?
I was wrong.

The card disappeared and it's effect started. Michael, John, and Ian looked at each other and nodding, then turned to look at me. They all knew that I must speak the truth from now on until we finish this game. Michael spoke up "So, Daniel. Did you find out what that 'Team Player' card effect on you was?"
I had to answer, so I did "Yes, it made me gay, I noticed that when you grabbed your dick after asking me the first time and then when John stripped down to nothing".
Holy shit I'm screwed.
They all looked at each other again and this time John was the one to speak: "So... Do you like what you saw?" he asked with a curious expression.
"I did" I replied, "I liked what I saw".
Ian jumped in without hesitation right after I answered John. "Did they make you hard?"
"Yes" I unwillingly answered. It just came out of me, like it was my nature. "I'm hard".

We all went silent and if I could I would've thrown my cards across the table, but I couldn't, and then Ian's cards went bright for a second, indicating it's his turn. "I was going to save it for later, but..." he threw a card at my direction. Now he's starting to show his true colors. He attacked me with a String type card called "Sin of Lust" and as I feared, it's effect was "You'll always help your friends reach sexual relief with no regrets and no questions asked, except for one you choose to exclude".

The card disappeared and without blinking, Ian took his pants down and told me "now pick to exclude Michael and suck my dick, my new bitch". But it didn't work, I didn't automatically burst to exclude Michael, so I just looked at Ian, seeing his true colors, and said "The card doesn't automatically make you my master, bitch. I choose to exclude Ian!" and with that, the card disappeared.

"Now we see who you really are" said Michael, and I joined in with "you're one sick bastard Ian. I'm after you". John laughed and said "Yea, now we see your true colors, and we'll make sure you remember your place." Ian pulled his pants back up and with a grumpy face mumbled "fuck you guys, that's the game, don't blame me if you didn't get that yet" under his breath. We all heard what he said and before me and Michael could say anything John bursted angrily with "Suck my dick, bitch".

I know he didn't mean it like that, Michael knows it too, but the card already took effect on me and the second he said that I put my cards down on the table and walked around to John, him still being naked. I couldn't resist even if I wanted to, but I just dropped to my knees next to him, and without a second thought I grabbed his dick and put it in my mouth.

I started with the tip, his dick was wide, I couldn't take it all in my mouth at once on my first time, I licked his tip as I put my lips just below it, going up and down trying to adjust to his girth. "What the fuck dude what are you doing?" John asked, but Michael immediately explained it to him, "The card already took effect, and you yelled out loud 'suck my dick' with no indication on who you were talking to, so it probably automatically assume you were talking to him. Either that or he suddenly really wants to suck your dick, bro." I kept going down on his dick, making it wet with my saliva bit by bit, and every few second I'm adjusting to his size in my mouth, I only now realised how good it felt, and how good his dick tasted. "So how long is he going to suck me off bro?" John asked Michael, "I don't know man, but my guess is until you cum, so if you don't like it, which I think is the case unless he's doing it like a pornstar, you better try and cum fast. Plus, the previous card already made him gay and he did admit through your card that he liked what he say, so I don't think he hates it that much."
He was right.
As I got more and more of his dick in my mouth I started enjoying it more and more, tasting his wonderful big juicy dick in my mouth, licking his shaft as I'm going up and down on it with my lips. I enjoyed every moment of it. I could feel John twitching his dick, probably on purpose to get it over with as fast as he could, but that just made me go faster. Before I knew it, my nose met the rest of his body, his whole 7 inches were in my mouth. I looked up and saw John looking at me and heard him moan a bit. "Dude" he said, "I don't know how you did it on your first time, but not many girls could take my whole dick in their mouth. And you're doing a good damn job too!"
I was happy, John liked how I'm sucking his dick, I loved his dick in my mouth. While I continue sucking his dick I kept looking at his face, seeing him close his eyes and moan, as I'm moving my head up and down on his cock, taking it all, and that's when he grabbed my head and pushed me against his body and his cock got bigger, twitching, his warm tasty cum bursting out of his dick into my mouth.

I got off his dick and got back to my chair, and I saw John's cock still wet from my mouth starting to go soft. "No need to say anything, everything Michael said was right" I said, I took my cards back to my hands and they went bright, it was my turn too. "Here's another card for you Ian" I said as I put down a Spiritual type card in front of him named "Don't count on it: Getting turned on is impotant when needed, you just don't". Ian looked at me, Michael, and John. He knows that if he doesn't take it, it won't end after the game and it'll be even worse for him. He looked down at the table and the card I put in front of him and agreed to taking the card. From now on, Ian won't be able to get turned on by anything.

to be continued.

Current players and their effecting cards and their remaining cards:
Daniel/MC - Leaking Pipe, Team Player, Under Oath, Sin of Lust. 2 Physical cards left.
Michael: Size Matters. 2 Cards left.
John: Showcase. 2 Cards left.
Ian: Typical White Girl, Don't Count on It. 2 Cards left.


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