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All characters and events in this story are complete fiction, any resemble to real situations or people is purely coincidental. All characters are 18+

After high school my parents told me "Daniel, you got a letter from your university. You got in!". I was super excited when they told me that, that university was the best one in the area, getting in that university would make sure my future would be bright, so after summer break ended I packed my bags and went to the university, it was a 7 hours drive from my town so I was lucky that they had decent dorms.

I got into my dorm and saw 3 other guys already there, I was the last one to arrive, even though I got on a bus a day before to get there super early the day before we started the year. The room was large and had 4 beds on each side, there was only one that didn't have bags or clothes on it left, it was my bed. I got my stuff on my bed and started to make myself comfortable and got to know my new roommates for my next 4 years there.

There was Michael, the muscular jock who got here on an athletic scholarship, he was tall, tan skin, light brown eyes and light brown hair. You can tell he hits the gym. His bed was across from mine.

Then there was John, the typical frat bro. He was about my height, tanned white skin, green eyes and blonde hair. He was fit but not as much as Michael. His bed was on the other side of the room from mine.

And the third roommate was Ian. Pretty average build, dark brown eyes, pale white skin. He was on the opposite side of the room of me, on the far end.

That was 6 months ago, ever since then we got to know each other, bonded together and hanged out. We started to get closer and closer each day, it seemed like nothing would separate us, that was true until today, where the unexpected happened and the future was unclear to any of us anymore.

I got to the dorms building and Michael John and Ian were still in the gym, Michael and John convinced Ian to join their workouts the second month we got here and said "We'll convince you too". I got to the room's door and found a box wrapped in a gift wrapping paper in front of our door with a note. "For: Daniel, Michael, John, Ian. From: The Fates". I picked up the box and got in the room, putting it on the table ay the side of the room. "It must be from one of Ian's friends" I thought to myself.

I got on my bed and studied for next week's test, and after 30 minutes my 3 roommates came in. I looked up and said "Great, you're back. Ian, one of your friends left that gift for you". Ian looked at the note, "My friends didn't do that. The Fates is from mythology, my friends hate mythology." He replied. If Ian's friends didn't put it there, then who did?

Without a second thought John grabbed the box and opened it up while saying "If it's addressed to us, who cares? Maybe it's snack". He opened the box and it wasn't snacks, it was a cards game called "The Fates". The cover of the box was black, grey, and white. "That's not snacks" I said, "that's a card game." Michael giggled a bit while looking at John, seeing his disappointed expression on his face. "I'm down to play" he said after he stopped giggling, "we didn't work out much today so shower can wait a bit, we didn't sweat a lot." John and Ian agreed. " I'm down" I said last, and we moved the table to the center of the room, sat down, and started reading the Instructions.

"The Fates have been pulling the strings of every living creature from birth till their very end. Every few centuries a group of humans get the chance to change their (and other's) fate for an unknown period of time. If you got this box of cards that means you're one of the lucky ones.

Every day each of you get 4 cards when all the players gather around to play. If one of the players isn't around when it's time to play, the game will help take care of it. There are 3 basic types of cards: Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical. Each card has their category's effect. One special card category is "String". Physical beats Emotional, Emotional beats Spiritual, and Spiritual beats Physical. Nothing beats String until the game says so.

The game will choose a random player each time to start the rounds, if it's your turn your cards will glow. You can attack any player you want and they can either accept their effect or attack back with a card that has a category that defeats yours, and their card will effect you. The turns go counter-clockwise.

The game ends when everyone's out of cards or the game says so. Enjoy your game and think carefully".

"This sounds weird, man." said John, "I'm not so sure about this". Michael grabbed the cards and dealt 4 to each of us "Let's just play John," he said, "if we don't like it we can always stop." John sighed and grabbed his cards, so did Michael, Ian, and me.

I got 2 Physical cards, 1 Emotional, and 1 Spiritual. Each of the cards had a description of their effect. Michael's cards went brighter, it was his turn. "What the hell?" I said, "how did you do that?". Michael responded with "I don't know man, but that means it's my turn. I don't know if we can get out of this game anymore..." Michael looked at his cards, grabbed one and put on the table, in front of me. "Sorry Daniel, I had to attack someone and didn't know who. I hope you understand." "I understand," I said, "it's okay."

I looked at the card he attacked me with, a Physical card called "Leaking Pipe", the description of the card said "Always making sure the Player is ready for insertion". I thought for a bit, "Maybe it could save me costs on lube for the girls" I said laughing, the others laughed a bit too, "I accept". As soon as I said that the card disappeared, and I felt something weird happening in my underwear, from my ass. My eyes opened wide as I put my hand in my pants, hoping I didn't somehow injure myself down there. I took my hand out of my pants and looked at it, it was a transparent liquid. "Am I... wet from my asshole? That's not what I thought would happen!" I yelled out. John freaked out "I told you guys we shouldn't have started playing this shit!" And he threw the cards on the table and got up.

His cards reappeared in his hands, a voice said from around the room of an old lady "Play", and it looked like someone or something was dragging John back to sit in his chair. "John" said Ian, "I don't think we have a choice anymore. Let's finish this game and get it over with as soon as we can."

We all nodded, agreeing to finish this. John's cards glew up for a second, it was his turn. With his hand shaking he grabbed a card and placed it in front of Ian, it was an Emotional type card with the name of "Typical White Girl", the description read "the way you talked didn't fit you, let's change that." Ian looked at the card attacking him, then at his own cards. "I... I can't block it" he said. That meant he had no Spiritual type cards, and as he finished his sentence, the card in front of him disappeared and the room went silent. "This is totally fake" Ian said in a classic "white girl gossiping" tone. Michael started laughing and Ian was in total shock "Dude this is the most girly accent anyone could ever do" Michael said between laughs. Ian's cards went brighter and he said "Well if that's what you say," Ian put down a card in front of Michael, "how about this?"

It was a Physical type card that said "Size Matters". I looked at the card and then at Michael. He spoke up "You know what? I accept". He didn't even bother reading the description, but I did: "A person's genitals size can say, or be, a lot." It could either shrink his penis or enlarge it, the chances are unknown. Michael looked down at his crotch and said "Well...", he stood up, took off his pants, and slammed his dick on the table. "Looks like I won the jackpot!" He laughed as Ian's face went red. Michael's dick was huge! It was 7 inches and it was still soft! He put his dick in his pants again and sat down as he told Ian "nice try".

My cards went bright for a second and that meant it was my turn. I chose an Emotional type card that said "Lucky me?: Sometimes you win some, sometimes you lose some." And placed it in front of John, but he had other plans. He defended my attack and attacked me back with a Spiritual card. "Team Player" was the card's name, "You always love to help your own team, right?". The card disappeared from the table, I guess you can't attack cards that defended them.

At first I wasn't sure what the effect was, and then Michael spoke up and said "Well? What happened? Did you get a massive dick like mine?" He said as he grabbed his big bulge and laughed. I looked at his new massive dick through his pants and my dick started to get hard. "No, I didn't, guess we'll have to find out." I lied, until now I had no interest in guys and only slept with girls, and now I'm getting hard from looking at Michael's massive juicy bulge? That card made me gay!

To be continued. Would you look to see more from this series? If yes, please say so in the comments so I'll know if I should keep working on it.


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